Healing Axe

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Healing Axe
Healing Axe

Name Healing Axe
Source Mod Extra Utilities
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

When you 'attack' a living creature, it will take some health from you and use it to heal the target, with a slight bonus. If used on undead creatures, you will still be damaged but the target will injured by four times that amount of damage. With the exception of zombie villagers which get instantly converted into normal villagers.

In addition, while the axe is equipped it slowly refills your hunger bar.[1]

In recent versions of Extra Utilities, the Healing Axe is an effectively infinite-durability diamond axe that no longer heals living creatures. Attacking an undead creature with the Healing Axe will generate additional red swirling particles and do extra damage, at the cost of saturation and hunger. Interestingly, 'attacking' a living creature with the Healing Axe will do nothing but generate red particles and drain the player's saturation and hunger. The Healing Axe still performs its other functions, including refilling hunger and saturation for being held and reverting zombie villagers into villagers in one hit.

Unstable Ingot Unstable Ingot can be substituted with Mobius "Unstable-Stable" Ingot Mobius "Unstable-Stable" Ingot. By crafting it with them, the Healing Axe will be enchanted with Efficiency X. This Healing Axe cannot be further enchanted, but may be disenchanted to yield an enchanted book of Efficiency X (which puts Efficiency V on tools in an anvil).


GUI Crafting Table.png
Unstable Ingot
Unstable Ingot

Unstable Ingot


Healing Axe


Healing Axe has no known uses in crafting.


  1. http://minecraftforum.net/topic/1776056