Furnace Generator x8

Furnace Generator x8
Furnace Generator x8

Name Furnace Generator x8
Source Mod Extra Utilities
ID Name Unknown
Type Generator
Stackable Yes (64)

The Furnace Generator x8 is a power generator added by the Extra Utilities mod. Its actual name does not include the "x8", this is in fact the power multiplier applied to the power generated by this block. It generates 320 RF/t, 8 times as much power as the basic Furnace Generator and uses regular Furnace fuel as fuel. The power generated by the block is RF. It also has an internal buffer of 500,000 RF, which is the same as the basic version.

An upgraded version of this generator is also available, the Furnace Generator x64 which has a power multiplier of 64. These upgraded generators are a way for the player to save space, simply by combining multiple blocks into one more powerful block.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Furnace Generator
Furnace Generator
Furnace Generator
Furnace Generator
Transfer Node (Energy)
Furnace Generator
Furnace Generator
Furnace Generator
Furnace Generator
Furnace Generator x8


Furnace Generator x8 can be used to create the following items: