Green Sapphire Dust (GregTech 4)

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Green Sapphire Dust
Green Sapphire Dust

Green Sapphire Dust

Name Green Sapphire Dust
Source Mod GregTech
ID Name Unknown
Type Dust
Stackable Yes

Green Sapphire Dust is one of the dusts found in GregTech 4.


Green sapphire is rarely dropped from Sapphire Ore blocks. A more reliable way to get green sapphires is to put a sapphire ore block in an Industrial Grinder, as a by-product to sapphire is 2 tiny piles of green sapphire dust per ore block. This makes a full pile of dust per 2 ore blocks.


Green Sapphire Dust can be used in a Mass Fabricator or a Matter Fabricator as an amplifier. It gives an amplification of 50000, 10 times more then Scrap (which gives 5000 amplifier).

Green Sapphire Dust (GregTech 4) can be used to create the following items: