Magic Energy Absorber

Magic Energy Absorber
Magic Energy Absorber

Name Magic Energy Absorber
Source Mod GregTech 4
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 30.0
Hardness 10.0
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Drops Machine Parts Machine Parts (1)
Required Tool Wrench

Magic Energy Absorber is a device that allows to convert the enchantments of various tools into EU. This also works with enchantments from other mods. It also extracts energy from nearby Ender Crystals.

When Thaumcraft 3 is enabled, it can also be used to convert Vis from Thaumic Nodes into EU, however this creates a fair amount of Flux as a side effect.

The Vis to EU conversion can be toggled with the top button in the machine's GUI. When set to convert Vis into EU the Magic Energy Absorber steadily depletes the aura at a rate of about 1 Vis every 5 seconds, while generating 128 EU/tick. The Flux created by the Magic Energy Converters can be utilized with the implementation of Lightning Rods, or alternatively be negated with Aura Manipulation. A large pure node can counteract the flux, and 60 Crystal Clusters are needed to counteract the Vis drain.

When set to convert power from an Ender Crystal the Magic Energy Absorber generates only 32 EU/tick. In order to implement this as a source of power the Ender Dragon would have to be killed without removing the healing crystals from the end. The use of Ender Crystals is further complicated by the fact that each Ender Crystal can only power a single Magic Energy Absorber.

The second button in the GUI toggles energy generation from enchanted items and books. The items and books will be returned with no enchantments. The blank books will be of a type that stacks differently, but this can be fixed by dropping them and picking them up while holding another normal book.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Energy Flow Circuit
Energy Flow Circuit
Superconductor (GregTech 4)
Superconductor (GregTech 4)
Energy Flow Circuit
Energy Flow Circuit
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Energy Flow Circuit
Energy Flow Circuit
Magic Energy Converter
Energy Flow Circuit
Energy Flow Circuit
Magic Energy Absorber


Magic Energy Absorber has no known uses in crafting.