Wooden TNT Cart

Wooden TNT Cart
Wooden TNT Cart

Name Wooden TNT Cart
Source Mod Railcraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Cart
Stackable Unknown

The Wooden TNT Cart is a minecart added by Railcraft. It is a cheaper and thus more practical version of the TNT Cart. Its main use is to allow the user to deliver TNT explosions while remaining a safe distance away. It has the same explosive force as standard TNT.

The Wooden TNT Cart can be detonated like normal TNT by setting it on fire with a Flint and Steel. However, it is probably more effective to use either Activator Tracks, which when powered by a redstone signal will activate a Wooden TNT Cart that passes over it with the default 40 tick (2 second) delay, or with Priming Tracks, which will also activate the cart but the fuse length can be customized with a Crowbar. A Launcher Track also works well with Wooden TNT Carts, as it will send the cart flying into the air, allowing you to avoid the explosion destroying your tracks and can be used as a more flexible TNT Cannon.

Some servers have been known to ban this item due to its low cost yet destructive potential.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab

Wooden TNT Cart

See Also[edit]

  • Pumpkin Cart - A weaker and cheaper version of the TNT Cart, but can only be crafted in October and November.