I play the direwolf20 pack on my own private server (running Fedora) with a few changes.
I enable Zan's Minimap so I can see hostile mobs on radar. I keep Opis' MapMaker on for its fullscreen zoomable, pannable map.
I liked some of the mods I saw in direwolf20's Agrarian Skies series (though I have no interest in playing a skyblock map), so I added them:
- Blood Magic
- Carpenter's Blocks
- Enchiridion
- Ex Aliquo
- Ex Nihilo
- HarvestCraft Waila Fixes
- Hunger Overhaul
- Mariculture
- Pam's HarvestCraft
- TiC Tooltips
Find the specified configuration files in the config subdirectory and make these changes:
- biomesoplenty/biomegen.cfg
- set all biome types to true
- cofh/ThermalExpansion.cfg (Thermal Expansion)
- B:Pulverizer.Wool=true (enable pulverizing wool into string)
- machinemuse/powersuits.cfg (Modular Powersuits)
- B:"Vanilla Recipes"=true (enable Vanilla recipes)
- mariculture/modules.cfg (Mariculture)
- B:"World Plus"=false (turn off underwater worldgen for better performance)
- powercrystals/minefactoryreloaded/common.cfg (MineFactory Reloaded)
- B:EnableVanillaRecipes=true (don't require Thermal Expansion stuff)
- AWWayOfTime.cfg (Blood Magic)
- Item IDs 4092-4095 conflict with Mariculture, so replace them with 2832-2835 which seem to be available.
- CarpentersBlocks.cfg (Carpenter's Blocks)
- I:PressurePlate=2750 (fix item ID conflict with Redstone Arsenal)
- crowley.skyblock.cfg (Ex Nihilo)
- Set everything in "void generation options" section to false (prevent all chunks being generated as void chunks, which is only good for skyblocks)
- HungerOverhaul.cfg (need to start game with mod added fr this to be created)
- B:cropsNeedSunlight=false (allow crops to grow by torch light)
- I:wrongBiomeRegrowthMultiplier=1 (crops grow the same everywhere)
- I:wrongBiomeRegrowthMultiplierSugarcane=1 (crops grow the same everywhere)
- B:removeHoeRecipes=false (allow wood and stone hoes)
- IC2.cfg (IndustrialCraft 2)
- B:enableQuantumSpeedOnSprint=false (turn off QuantumSuit boosted run on sprint)
- B:enableSecretRecipeHiding=false (show UU-Matter recipies in NEI)
- Enable copper, lead, and tin ore for world generation
- B:enableWorldGenOreCopper=true
- B:enableWorldGenOreLead=true
- B:enableWorldGenOreTin=true
- B:soundsEnabled=true (turn sounds back on)
- InvTweaks.cfg
- keySortInventory=CHAR_NONE (don't sort when I search for something with the letter R in it)
- OpenBlocks.cfg
- B:elevatorDrainsXP=false (don't require XP to use elevators)
Within the game, I have to rebind my keys because I use the Dvorak keyboard layout. I'm also used to using the number pad instead of WASD (translated to <AOE in Dvorak) for FPS games, so I'll list both options (my laptop has no number pad):
Action | Desktop | Laptop |
Attack | Button 1 | Button 1 |
Forward | Comma | |
Left | A | |
Back | O | |
Right | E | |
Jump | Space | |
Sneak | Left Shift | |
Drop | Apostrophe | |
Inventory | Period | |
Chat | Y | |
List Players | Tab | Tab |
Pick Block | Button 3 | Button 3 |
Command | Slash | Slash |
Armor Gui | R | |
Reload Capes | F12 | F12 |
IC2 Boost Key | Left Ctrl | |
IC2 Mode Switch Key | M | |
IC2 Side Inventory Key | C | C |
IC2 Hub Expand Key | X | X |
arsmagica2 Casting Mode | C | C |
arsmagica2 Spellbook Next Slot | Q | |
arsmagica2 Spellbook Prev Slot | Semicolon | |
arsmagica2 Beta Particles Menu | X | |
arsmagica2 Inv. Mana Display Toggle | R | |
FZ Bag of Holding | Grave | Grave |
FZ Pocket Crafting Table | C | C |
Thaumcraft Change Wand Focus | F | F |
Open MPS Keybind GUI | K | K |
Go Down (MPS Flight Control) | Semicolon | |
Cycle Tool Backward (MPS) | Button 100 | Button 100 |
Cycle Tool Forward (MPS) | Button 100 | Button 100 |
Zoom (MPS) | F | |
Cosmetic (MPS) | L | |
Morph Click for Keybinds | Page Down | |
Opis Open Map GUI | M | M |
Opis New Waypoint | Insert | Insert |
Opis Next Map Mode | N | N |
Opis Next Waypoint Group | W | |
Opis Teleport to Waypoint | Home | |
Opis Minimap Zoom In | Page Up | Page Up |
Opis Minimap Zoom Out | Page Down | Page Down |
Opis Underground Map Mode | U | U |
Empower/Quell Flux Tool/Weapon | V | V |
Crafting Grid | C | C |
Placement Modifier | Left Ctrl | Left Ctrl |
FZ Vanilla Sprint | None | None |
Locomotive Faster Key | Up | |
Locomotive Slower Key | Down | |
Locomotive Mode Key | M | M |
Locomotive Whistle Key | N | N |
Waila Config Screen | Right Bracket | |
Waila Show/Hide | Delete | |
Waila Show Liquids | Backslash | |
Waila Show Recipe | Left | |
Waila Show Usage | Right |