Soul Stone (Automagy 1)

This article is about the block from Automagy 1. You may be looking for Soul Stone from other mods.
Soul Stone (Automagy 1)
Soul Stone (Automagy 1)

Name Soul Stone (Automagy 1)
Source Mod Automagy 1
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 6000.0
Hardness 5.0
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but a pickaxe is the most efficient.

Soul Stone is a block added by the Automagy 1 mod. It is a supplier machine for Brain in a Jar when it is placed on top of the Amnesiac's Stone. It should be placed next to the Amnesiac's Stone and will drain from the Brain in a Jar when it is almost full and fill it when it is almost empty. A Redstone Comparator can be placed next to it to retrieve information on how full this block is in a strength of redstone signal it outputs.

A Warded Jar can be placed under it, and will slowly be filled with experience taken from the machine, transforming into Jar of Enchanter's Concentrate, a movable version of Brain in a Jar. Note that the experience will be drained all time there is not a solid block under this machine, even if the jar is not present.

Right-clicking on this block with an Empty Bottle will use some of its experience and give Bottle o' Enchanting.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

Soul Stone
Total recall

Research aspects in this block[edit]


Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"The brain in a jar has a rather limited capacity for stored experience. (This shouldn't be a surprise, given where you found the key ingredient.) While the Amnesiac's Stone helps to extract those memories, it cannot make room for the new without losing the old. To work around this issue, you have created a new type of stone.

When a block of Soul Stone is placed next to an Amnesiac's Stone which is beneath a brain in a jar, then experience will be drained from the brain, seeping into the soul stone.

Should the stone contain more experience than the brain above, the Amnesiac's Stone will begin working in the other direction, pulling from the soul stone until the brain can hold no more.

This simple setup is all you need to increase the effective capacity of your jarred brains, but the soul stones, too, will eventually be filled and, on their own, they don't solve the portability issue. Breaking one destroys a portion of the stored experience and drops the rest. Fortunately, more can be done.

Soul stones are, in a sense, porous. Memories slowly permeate the stone which acts as a filter of sorts, concentrating them as they flow.

Eventually, the essence is condensed enough to be held in a more convenient container. If an empty, unlabeled warded jar is placed below the stone (within a block or two - further down and the fluid loses its potency), then "enchanter's concentrate" will drip into it. This jar can then be safely moved or you may use it to fill phials from which you may drink.

But be aware, unless a solid block prevents this, liquid will slowly drip from the soul stone even without a jar to catch it. Needless to say, this is quite wasteful.

Note that an item grate directly below allows the concentrate to pass through when it is open. That or a piston (for example) could help regulate when the enchanter's concentrate should fall from the stone.

A comparator can be used to see how full a soul stone is. A comparator reading from an Amnesiac's Stone with attached soul stones will evaluate the entire structure's capacity, not just the brain in a jar's. (If you want only the brain's, you can point the comparator directly at it.)

Glass bottles can also be filled from the jar but they are unable to preserve the stability and density of the liquid, which means they not only hold much less but they are also unsafe to drink from directly. Further, a phial can be used to refill a jar but a bottle cannot as the liquid is no longer quite the same."


GUI Arcane Worktable.png
Entropy Shard
Soul Sand
Entropy Shard
Arcane Stone Block (Thaumcraft 4)
Zombie Brain (Thaumcraft 4)
Arcane Stone Block (Thaumcraft 4)
Entropy Shard
Soul Sand
Entropy Shard
Soul Stone (Automagy 1)


Soul Stone (Automagy 1) has no known uses in crafting.