Laser Focus Matrix (Mekanism)

Laser Focus Matrix
Laser Focus Matrix

Laser Focus Matrix

Name Laser Focus Matrix
Source Mod Mekanism
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wrench (BuildCraft)

The Laser Focus Matrix is a block used in the multiblock Fusion Reactor added by the Mekanism. This block is needed to lauch the nuclear reaction. Indeed , the ignition temperature is reached at 100 MK, which is impossible to reach without using Laser and Laser Amplifier. Once put in the middle of one of the 4 sides of the Fusion Reactor, a laser beam directed against this block will be able to brutaly increase the temperature. To reach 100 MK, the laser beam needs to have an energy of 1 GJ (400 MRF).


GUI Crafting Table.png
Reactor Glass (Mekanism)

Reactor Glass (Mekanism)
Block of Redstone
Reactor Glass (Mekanism)

Reactor Glass (Mekanism)

Laser Focus Matrix (Mekanism)


Laser Focus Matrix (Mekanism) has no known uses in crafting.