Forbidden Magic

Forbidden Magic
Name Forbidden Magic
Creator SpitefulFox
Latest Version 0.573
Minecraft Version 1.7.10
Website Minecraft Forums
Root Mod Thaumcraft 4
Modpacks Crundee Craft
Feed The Beast Horizons
Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved
Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Skyblock
JoeGaming ModPack
Magicality: The Next Dimension
Resonant Rise
Sky Factory 2
Test Pack Please Ignore
Test Pack Please Ignore 2
The Crack Pack
The Crack Pack 2
Forbidden Magic is a medium-sized addon to Thaumcraft started by SpitefulFox at the version 1.6.4 and later updated to 1.7.10.

This addon, as mentioned in its title, expands the dark, forbidden part of the magic in Thaumcraft. The content of this mod can be divided in 2 parts: Nether and Taint.

Nether is the first part, introduced in 1.6.4. It adds 7 new shards, following 7 deadly sins, and some powerful tools, weapons and machines crafted from them. Most of the content introduced in this part is endgame, meaning that you need a lot of effort to complete it, but it provides vast abilities to the player.

Taint is the second part, introduced in 1.7.10. It follows the author's idea of surviving in Tainted Lands, same as Nether-oriented content in Natura mod. It adds special trees, tools, wands, blocks, food and other items related to Taint. Though these items are a bit less powerful to obtain, this part opens a new way to explore Thaumcraft, never seen before.

Third part of the mod is incredible amount of cross-mod items, some almost useless, some extremely overpowered. Here is the list of the mods Forbidden Magic is compatible with:

In summary, this mod is very well written, has many awesome items and definitely worth trying.