Farming Turtle

Farming Turtle
Farming Turtle

Name Farming Turtle
Source Mod ComputerCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Mobile computer
Stackable Yes (64)
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A Farming Turtle is a turtle crafted with a hoe. It has the unique ability to till earth. However, it cannot break any blocks and thus cannot harvest crops. As such, while a farming turtle may be helpful in building a farm, the actual farming usually requires a Mining Turtle.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Turtle (ComputerCraft)
Diamond Hoe

Farming Turtle
GUI Crafting Table.png
Turtle (ComputerCraft)
Sapphire Hoe

Farming Turtle

GUI Crafting Table.png
Turtle (ComputerCraft)
Green_Sapphire Hoe

Farming Turtle
GUI Crafting Table.png
Turtle (ComputerCraft)
Ruby Hoe

Farming Turtle

Note that:

  • Each recipe is reversible, but not shapeless.
  • Only the hoes listed can be used (i.e. an iron hoe does not work).
  • The hoe must have no damage.
  • Enchantments on the hoe will have no effect on the Farming Turtle's work.
  • The type of hoe used will be shown on the side of the turtle.


Crafty Farming Turtle[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Farming Turtle
Crafting Table

Crafty Farming Turtle

Wireless Farming Turtle[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Farming Turtle
Wireless Modem

Wireless Farming Turtle