Diode (Magneticraft)



Name Diode
Source Mod Magneticraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Diode is an item added by the Magneticraft mod. It is used to restrict the direction of current flow in Low Voltage Electricity. The Diode has a thin lighter grey bar on one end and current will only flow in the direction the bar is facing, similar to a real world Diode. When placing a Diode, the light grey bar (and the direction of 1-way current flow) will face away from the player. It can be placed in any of 4 orientations and can be rotated with a Wrench but can not be placed pointing up or down. There may be some delay between current flow updating if the Diode is rotated with a wrench. The Diode will only connect to Low Voltage Cable, a Battery or other machines that use Low Voltage and can not connect to Copper Wire or Medium or High Voltate.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Plastic Sheet (Magneticraft)

Low Voltage Cable
Quartz Dust (Magneticraft)
Low Voltage Cable

Plastic Sheet (Magneticraft)

Diode (Magneticraft)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Plastic Sheets

Low Voltage Cable
Quartz Dust (Magneticraft)
Low Voltage Cable

Plastic Sheets

Diode (Magneticraft)


Diode (Magneticraft) has no known uses in crafting.