Custom Brew

The Custom Brew is a special kind of magic added by the Witchery mod. There are several particulars involved in this kind of brewing: Capacity, Power, Duration, Modifier, Dispersal, and Effect can or must be applied, all of these are combined in a Witch's Cauldron in order to concoct the brew itself.


Each Effect has a capacity requirement, add these ingredients in order to increase a brew's capacity. Increased capacity is needed to add multiple effects to a brew, a level one effect requires one space, a level one effect and a level four effect in one brew will require a space of five.


Effects start at level one but can have increased power, add these ingredients in order to increase a brew's power.


The duration an Effect can last can be lengthened, add these ingredients in order to increase a brew's duration.


Brews can be further modified.


How fast a Player can drink the brew can also be modified, add these ingredients in order to increase a brew's quaffability.


The way an Effect is dispersed can be modified in different ways. An effect can also be modified for additional extent or linger. These can also further be modified for dispersal:


Like the lingering-based Dispersal method, extent-based Dispersal brews are able to have the above basic Dispersal brew types applied to them, Instant, Gas, Liquid, and Trigger.
Extent dispersal affect an area, and the size of that area is based on the level of Extent that is applied to the brew, add these ingredients in order before the dispersal method ingredients to increase a brew's area of effect:


Like the extent-based Dispersal method, lingering-based Dispersal brews are able to have the above basic Dispersal brew types applied to them, Instant, Gas, Liquid, and Trigger.
Lingering dispersal affect how long the brew lasts based on the level of Lingering applied. Add these ingredients in order before the dispersal method ingredients to increase a brew's time of effect:

Ritual Casting[edit]

Instead of bottling a custom brew, it is possible to "cast" it as a spell where the effect of the brew is produced upon a specific location or a specific creature. This requires more altar power (approx +25%, but more in-game testing is recommended) than simply bottling the brew itself, and may require the assistance of one or more Coven Witch if the target is far away. Trying to cast upon a target that is located in another dimension always fails unless the player has the assistance of the Shade of Leonard. The following targets are possible...

  • Centered on Cauldron = Tongue of Dog. Requires a dispersal method (see above) other than "drinking" to be specified first.
  • Centered on Location = Bound Waystone, followed by Tongue of Dog. Requires a dispersal method (see above) other than "drinking" to be specified first.
  • Target Player or Mob = Bound Taglock Kit. No dispersal ingredient needed.

The player may draw rings of Ritual Chalk or Infernal Chalk around the Witch's Cauldron; these rings are NOT the same as the ones used in Circle Rituals - see the in-game book Witches' Brews for how to lay them out correctly. Both kinds of chalk will reduce the altar power needed to cast a ritual spell. The Infernal Chalk will provide the greater discount, but will increase the risk of side-effects such as damage or negative status conditions to the player. The Ritual Chalk provides a smaller discount, but will also decrease the risk of side effects.


Effects are what makes a brew useful, the Effect is what happens when the brew is used. To apply an effect to a brew the correct capacity must be available. Effects are listed by level, each using a space of capacity:

Level 1[edit]

Level 2[edit]

Level 4[edit]

Level 5[edit]

Level 6[edit]

Level 8[edit]

Level 12[edit]


  1. The Trigger dispersal method works by brewing the Effect like normal and then throwing the brew on a trigger, such as a button, a pressure plate, a lever, or a wooden door. The first Player to use that trigger will receive the effects of the brew.