
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
This template displays grid images with a Forestry bee.
Type {{Bees/Forestry|<<Bee Name>>}} somewhere.
{{Bees/Forestry|austere}} Austere Bee
{{Bees/Forestry|randomname}} Unknown Bee
Full List
Austere Bee austere Avenging Bee avenging Common Bee common Cultivated Bee cultivated
Darkened Bee darkened Demonic Bee demonic Diligent Bee diligent Edenic Bee edenic
Ender Bee ender Exotic Bee exotic Fiendish Bee fiendish Forest Bee forest
Frugal Bee frugal Glacial Bee glacial Hermitic Bee hermitic Heroic Bee heroic
Icy Bee icy Imperial Bee imperial Industrious Bee industrious Leporine Bee leporine
Majestic Bee majestic Marshy Bee marshy Meadows Bee meadows Merry Bee merry
Modest Bee modest Monastic Bee monastic Noble Bee noble Omega Bee omega
Phantasmal Bee phantasmal Reddened Bee reddened Rural Bee rural Secluded Bee secluded
Sinister Bee sinister Spectral Bee spectral Steadfast Bee steadfast Tipsy Bee tipsy
Tropical Bee tropical Unknown Bee unknown Unweary Bee unweary Valiant Bee valiant
Vengeful Bee vengeful Vindictive Bee vindictive Wintry Bee wintry
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