
Quantum Armor is top tier IndustrialCraft2 armor. Quantum Armor requires Iridium Plates to craft (as well as other top- or high-tier materials such as Lapotron Crystals, Reinforced Glass and so forth) which require A) diamonds, B) Advanced Alloys and C) Iridium Ingots. Iridium Ingots can either be created by using UU-Matter generated by a GregTech 4 Matterfabricator or by IndustrialCraft's Mass Fabricator if the Matterfabricator has been manually disabled in GregTech's configuration file. Before crafting a set of Quantum Armor, the player must craft a set of NanoSuit, which is used in the recipes of Quantum Armor. Quantum Armor also requires EU to function and must be charged in an MFSU.

Like most other armor types, Quantum Armor consists of four individual armor pieces:

Quantum Armor allows the player to be near-invincible to many threats. The Quantum Helmet creates a light that follows the player as they travel through caves or other dark areas. This function does not work if the head of the player is inside a non-opaque block such as a Torch, Iron Bars, Glass Panes, etc. The Quantum Helmet also keeps the player's food bar and air meter replenished at the cost of EU and Filled Tin Cans/Compressed Air Capsules, respectively. The Quantum Chestplate significantly reduces all incoming damage as well as preventing the user from taking fire damage. The Quantum Leggings allow the player to sprint at several times the normal sprinting speed (this action, however, rapidly drains both EU and food) by holding down the boost key (defaults to the left Control key; this can be modified in the Controls section of the Options menu if this conflicts with other preferred keybindings). The Quantum Boots significantly reduce the player's fall damage (although the fall damage sound effect and damage-taking animation are still performed, along with depletion of the boots' EU supply; the Long Fall Boots completely remove fall damage as a threat and do not take durability damage, along with being much less expensive) and allow the player to jump ~10 blocks by holding down the boost key and pressing the normal jump key.

Each piece of Quantum Armor can hold 1 million EU, allowing it to function for about an hour (depending on how much the boost key is used, how much damage the player takes, how much swimming, sprinting etc. the player performs, and so forth) before needing a recharge.

The Quantum Helmet is used in the crafting recipe for the Ultimate Solar Helmet added by Advanced Solar Panels. Note that creating an Ultimate Solar Helmet removes the Quantum Helmet's headlamp function as well as the functions that replenish the food bar and the oxygen meter. Since the 28-5 update and the switching of the Ultimate Solar Helmet from Gravitation Suite to Advanced Solar Panels, it appears the function to replenish the oxygen meter is kept on the Ultimate Solar Helmet at least in Mindcrack 8.3.2.