Liquid Duplicator

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Liquid Duplicator
Liquid Duplicator

Name Liquid Duplicator
Source Mod TubeStuff
ID Name Unknown
Type Machine
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Iron Pickaxe

The Liquid duplicator has the same function of a Duplicator. However, instead of items, it will supply an infinite amount of a single liquid. To get a fluid out of it, just use a Wooden, an Emerald Waterproof Pipe or a Thermal Expansion Liquiduct. To tell it which liquid to duplicate, just put in any container (bucket, cell ...) with the desired liquid. Like the Duplicator, It does not have a crafting recipe, and can only be accessed by server operators.