Heavy Copper Coil

Heavy Copper Coil
Heavy Copper Coil

Name Heavy Copper Coil
Source Mod Magneticraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Heavy Copper Coil is an item added by the Magneticraft mod. It is used to manually connect between Electrical Wooden Poles and/or Electrical Pole With Transformer.

To use Heavy Copper Coil, click on the center black lug on top of an Electrical Wooden Pole or Electrical Pole With Transformer with the wire held in your hotbar and you will see a message, "Attached wire to the pole at x, y, z." and then do the same with another pole, completing the connection with a message, "Wire attached successfully." If the poles are more than 15 blocks away, you will see a message, "Poles could not be connected." Currently in version 0.6.1, the coil is not consumed when used and connections between poles ignore line of sight with the wires appearing to pass through soild blocks.

The Heavy Copper Coil is the graphic currently used as the main graphic for the Magneticraft mod.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Copper Ingot (Magneticraft)
Copper Ingot (Magneticraft)
Copper Ingot (Magneticraft)
Copper Ingot (Magneticraft)
Iron Bars
Copper Ingot (Magneticraft)
Copper Ingot (Magneticraft)
Copper Ingot (Magneticraft)
Copper Ingot (Magneticraft)
Heavy Copper Coil


Heavy Copper Coil can be used to create the following items: