Heated Redstone Generator

Heated Redstone Generator
Heated Redstone Generator

Name Heated Redstone Generator
Source Mod Extra Utilities
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

The Heated Redstone Generator is a block added by the Extra Utilities mod. A power source that generates energy from Redstone (10) and Lava (1000 mB) as fuel to produce 160 RF per tick for 2,500 seconds for a total of 800,000 RF. The generator can also use Destabilized Redstone for fuel to produces 320 RF/tick. 100 mb of Destabilized Redstone will last for 250 seconds and produce 1,600,000 RF. Due to the fact that the Heated Redstone Generator is capable of generating up to 1,596,000 RF (deducting the 4,000 RF consumed to create the Destablized Redstone) from one Redstone, it is a very effecient early-game and even mid-game power generator. If it is used to power a Quarry, more Redstone would be mined than consumed. The generator shows the time left to burn the fuel inside it and keeps the RF charge when removed.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Block of Redstone
Block of Redstone
Block of Redstone
Block of Redstone
Lava Generator
Block of Redstone
Heated Redstone Generator

See Also[edit]

The following items may also be of interest:


  • In version 1.7 the energy output has been considerably reduced. It consumes 150 mb of Destablized Redstone or 125 mb of Lava (as of 1.2.6) + 1 Redstone to produce 80 RF/t for a total of 25,000 RF.