Coke Oven (Railcraft)

Coke Oven
Coke Oven
Name Coke Oven
Source Mod Railcraft
ID Name Unknown
Type MultiBlock
Stackable Unknown
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light Partial
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

The Coke Oven is a multi-block structure added by the Railcraft mod. It is used to produce high efficiency fuels. The structure is built by placing Coke Oven Bricks in a hollow 3×3×3 cube shape. The structure is complete and valid when a window appears in the centre block on each side showing when the Oven is active with a flame. A Coke Oven structure cannot be built adjacent to another, there must be a gap between the structures.

The Coke Oven can be automated using the appropriate transport system such as Itemduct, Pipe or an Item Loader and Unloader connected to any side. A simple Chest and Hopper system would also work just fine.


The Coke Oven functions without any energy and can burn Coal or Wood to produce Coal Coke (with a burn time of 3,200 ticks) or Charcoal, respectively. The process of burning a single piece of fuel takes 3 minutes.


The Coke Oven has an internal buffer of 64,000 mB to store the Oil produced as a by-product and will stop functioning if the buffer is full. The Oil may be extracted manually using a Bucket or Can inserted in the inventory or automated using a fluid transport system such as Fluiduct or Waterproof Pipe and stored in a Tank. 500 mB of Creosote Oil is produced for each Coal smelted.


  1. Fuel Input.
  2. Processed Item Output.
  3. Creosote Oil buffer.
  4. Manual Oil extraction container inventory
